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Fracture analysis of CAD-CAM high-density polymers used for interim implant-supported fixed, cantilevered prostheses

The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Jan 12, 2018

Yilmaz B, et al. - Here, the authors evaluated the load-to-fracture performance of computer-assisted design and computer-assisted manufacturing (CAD-CAM)–fabricated high-density polymers (HDPs) and compared that with the performance of autopolymerized and injection-molded acrylic resins. The highest load-to-fracture values were noted with GDS Tempo-CAD (GD) and Polident (Po) CAD-CAM materials. Similar load-to-fracture values were seen with AnaxCAD Temp EZ (AE), AnaxCAD Temp Plus (AP), Zirkonzahn Temp Basic (Z), Merz M-PM-Disc (MAT), and Brylic Solid (BS) CAD-CAM polymers and injection-molded acrylic resin, which were higher than those of Brylic Gradient (BG) and autopolymerized acrylic resin. Autopolymerized acrylic resin load-to-fracture value was similar to that of BG CAD-CAM polymer, which was colored in a gradient pattern.
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