FoxP3+ regulatory T cells, interleukin 17 and mast cells in chronic inflammatory periodontal disease
Journal of Periodontal Research Apr 12, 2018
Parachuru VPB, et al. - Researchers probed the cell types expressing FoxP3 and interleukin (IL)-17A within periodontal disease tissues and determined gene and protein expression profiles related to periodontitis. Findings suggested that in periodontal tissues, the source of low levels of IL17A was mast cells not Th17 cells and a more prominent role could be demonstrated by the regulatory T cells (Tregs) in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease than Th17 cells. On protein analysis experts noted higher levels of the TGFβ1 and IL10 cytokines in periodontitis tissues and in B-cell and plasma cell predominant gingival tissues vs healthy/gingivitis tissues and T-cell predominant gingival tissues.
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