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Fluoroscopic landmarks and trajectories for safe posterior percutaneous transarticular C1–C2 screw insertion: A CT-based simulation study

European Spine Journal Feb 03, 2021

Lvov I, Grin A, Talypov A, et al. - This study was sought to ascertain the safe screw trajectory for posterior transarticular fixation of C1–C2 without direct visualization of C2 lateral masses and by using fluoroscopic landmarks only. Researchers reconstructed fluoroscopic models of the craniovertebral region in frontal and sagittal planes using 1-mm interval computed tomography scans of the cervical spine in 30 patients. They applied an imitation model of the screw trajectory with verification of the exact screw localization using multiplanar reconstruction. They further investigated 27 trajectories for 60 oblique C1–C2 reformations. They distinguished potentially safe trajectories for percutaneous posterior transarticular fixation of C1–C2. It is possible to achieve an acceptable screw position without direct visualization of the C2 lateral mass applying spinal process-lateral mass, ATP, and odontoid point landmarks in the lateral plane, and WstP and C1 middle landmarks in the frontal plane.

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