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Fluoride levels in unstimulated whole saliva following clinical application of different 5% naf varnishes

Caries Research Apr 07, 2018

Downey D, et al. - Authors assessed the fluoride release from differently formulated 5% NaF varnishes into unstimulated whole saliva in vivo. Findings demonstrated that 1 h after application of the fluoride varnishes, the highest amount of fluoride in saliva was found, with no notable differences in the treatment varnishes with respect to the whole fluoride but with lower levels for 5% NaF + amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) in the saliva supernatant. At 4, 6, and 26 h, the salivary fluoride levels decreased at each time point and were generally notably higher for 5% NaF and 5% NaF + tricalcium phosphate (TCP). For all groups, fluoride levels in saliva were at or below baseline levels after 50 h. Results, therefore, suggested that the formulation of other ingredients in fluoride varnishes could affect the fluoride concentration in saliva.
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