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Fluid restriction therapy for chronic SIAD; Results of a prospective randomized controlled trial

Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Oct 06, 2020

Garrahy A, Galloway I, Hannon AM, et al. - Researchers conducted this prospective nonblinded randomized controlled trial to analyze fluid restriction (FR) compared with no treatment in a chronic syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis (SIAD). In total, 46 patients with chronic asymptomatic SIAD have been randomized to either FR (1 liter/day) or no specific hyponatremia treatment (NoTx) for 1 month. In patients with chronic SIAD, FR induces a modest early increase in pNa, with limited additional increase thereafter, and is well-tolerated. After 3 days of FR, more than one-third of patients fail to reach a pNa ≥130 mmol/L, highlighting the clinical need for additional SIAD therapies in certain patients.

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