Fixed- vs adjustable-loop devices for femoral fixation in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: A systematic review
Arthroscopy Jun 02, 2019
Onggo JR, et al. - Researchers analyzed relevant articles, including 13 biomechanical, 2 prospective, and 6 retrospective studies, identified via a multi-database search, to compare adjustable-loop devices (ALDs) and fixed-loop devices (FLDs), with respect to biomechanical and clinical outcomes, in the femoral fixation component of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using a hamstring autograft or allograft. According to the findings, the clinical outcome scores and graft rerupture rates with ALDs vs FLDs were similar, although FLDs demonstrated superior biomechanical properties. In this study, improved biomechanical outcomes were achieved with retensioning of ALDs following tibial fixation, according to manufacturer suggestions.
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