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Five-year occurrence and management of central toxic keratopathy after femtosecond laser–assisted LASIK

Journal of Refractive Surgery Jan 15, 2021

Moshirfar M, Hall MN, West WB, et al. - In the present study, the researchers reported the 5-year occurrence, management, and outcomes of 12 eyes diagnosed as having central toxic keratopathy (CTK) following femtosecond laser–assisted in situ keratomileusis (FS-LASIK). From January 2015 to December 2019, a retrospective chart review was conducted on 20,622 FS-LASIK procedures performed at a single site to identify patients diagnosed as having central toxic keratopathy. Preoperative and postoperative visual acuity, refraction, and imaging have been recorded and analyzed. CTK occurred in 12 eyes of 8 patients following FS-LASIK. CTK is a rare FS-LASIK complication but can occur in clusters. While CTK management is debated, in some cases, flap lift and irrigation can lead to better visual acuity and refractive and anatomic outcomes.

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