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Five-year follow up of a low glycaemic index dietary randomised controlled trial in pregnancy—No long-term maternal effects of a dietary intervention

BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Feb 16, 2019

O'Brien EC, et al. - Researchers investigated if a dietary intervention in pregnancy had a lasting effect on maternal outcomes of diet, HbA1c and weight retention 5 years post-intervention. Further, they examined if modifiable maternal behaviors influence these outcomes. They performed a randomized control trial of low glycaemic index (GI) diet in pregnancy with longitudinal follow up to 5 years post-intervention, at Dublin, Ireland (2007–2016). In all, they followed 403 women of 759 (53.1%) up at 5 years and included a total of 370 (intervention n = 188; control n = 182) in this analysis. Findings suggest no lasting impact of the ROLO low-GI dietary intervention in pregnancy on maternal dietary intakes, HbA1c or body composition 5 years post-intervention. They observed long-term effects of maternal factors and lifestyle behaviors in pregnancy on glucose metabolism and weight retention up to 5 years later.
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