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First stage of labor progression in women with large-for-gestational age infants

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Jul 25, 2019

Blankenship SA, et al. - As no clear specification are evident for the standards for the first stage of labor when large-for-gestational age is present, researchers sought to evaluate labor progress of women with large-for-gestational age infants who complete the first stage of labor after 3-cm cervical dilation. In this retrospective cohort study, they included 17,097 patients who were admitted for labor from 2004–2014 with a term vertex singleton who achieved 10-cm cervical dilation. Labor curves of 1254 women (7.3%) who delivered large-for-gestational age infants (actual birthweight, >90th percentile for gestational age) were constructed and were compared with those of 15,843 women (92.7%) who delivered appropriate-for-gestational age infants (actual birthweight, 10–90th percentile for gestational age). The analysis revealed that after 3-cm cervical dilation, women with large-for-gestational age infants required greater time to reach the second stage of labor than those with appropriate-for-gestational age infants. Nulliparous and obese women with large-for-gestational age infants had these differences most pronounced in the active phase of labor (6–10 cm). They noted no apparent effect of labor onset and presence of diabetes mellitus or gestational diabetes mellitus on the duration of the first stage of labor after 3-cm cervical dilation among women with large-for-gestational age infants.
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