Finite element analysis of double‐plate fixation using reversed locking compression‐distal femoral plates for Vancouver B1 periprosthetic femoral fractures
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Mar 20, 2021
Takahashi D, Noyama Y, Asano T, et al. - In the present study, the researchers sought to assess the stability of a double-plate procedure using reversed contralateral locking compression-distal femoral plates for fixation of Vancouver B1 periprosthetic femoral fractures under full weight-bearing. Finite element analysis and biomechanical loading tests were used to examine single- and double-plate fixation procedures for locking compression-distal femoral plates under an axial load of 1,500 N. According to the findings of this study, dual-plate fixation with reversed locking compression-distal femoral plates may be an excellent treatment procedure for patients with Vancouver B1 fractures, allowing for full weight-bearing in the early postoperative period.
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