Finite element analysis of air gun impact on post-keratoplasty eye
Clinical Ophthalmology Jan 29, 2020
Okamura K, et al. - Given that globe rupture in eyes treated by corneal transplantation is a serious-clinical condition that might lead to vision loss, researchers conducted this investigation to determine the physical and mechanical response to an air gun impact at various velocities on the post-keratoplasty eye, taking into account the recovery of wound strength in a stepwise range utilizing finite element analysis (FEA). Using an FEA program created by Nihon, ESI Group, simulations in a human eye model were performed with a computer. Findings suggested that FEA using a human eyeball model could be a valuable method to analyze and anticipate the mechanical characteristics of blunt ocular trauma following surgery including keratoplasty. In addition, it was showed that wound suture strength, which has a critical relation with wound healing, primarily influences the clinical result and visual prognosis of blunt trauma such as that due to an impact of an airgun.
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