Fifteen-year minimum follow-up of anteromedial tibial tubercle transfer for lateral and/or distal patellofemoral arthrosis
Arthroscopy Jul 09, 2019
Klinge SA, et al. - Twenty-three patients who were treated from 1996 to 2000 were assessed by the researchers in order to estimate a minimum 15-year clinical and radiographic follow-up post-anteromedial tibial tubercle transfer (anteromedialization [AMZ]) for lateral and/or distal patellar facet arthrosis. Only 15 met the criteria, out of 23, and all were women. On the basis of patients' subjective assessment of the degree of success observed, satisfactory results were recorded in 94% of knees. The individuals asserted that they would opt to undergo surgery again under the same circumstances, which was noted as an important criterion of satisfaction. Patients reported their involvement in recreational activities for 35% of knees, whereas, for 18%, subjects were less active. Revision of post-AMZ symptomatic medial patellar subluxation took place in 2 patients. A total of 59% of knees underwent removal of hardware, and supplementary procedures were needed in 41%. No occurrence of cases of postoperative lateral patellar instability or conversion to knee arthroplasty were observed. Hence, in patients with lateral and/or distal patellofemoral arthrosis, anteromedial tibial tubercle transfer without articular cartilage implantation was concluded as efficient in patellofemoral joint preservation, improving symptoms and promoting active lifestyles for a minimum of 15 years to nearly 20 years. For 94% of knees, individuals chose to undergo the procedure again under the same circumstances. A total of 59% underwent screw removal, and 41% needed additional procedures, mostly arthroscopic with no patients in this therapeutic case series who underwent an arthroplasty procedure.
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