Fetal growth and maternal alcohol consumption during early pregnancy
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology May 08, 2019
Reynolds CME, et al. - Researchers performed this large epidemiological study of Of 68,925 women in order to examine how maternal alcohol behaviour before and during early pregnancy is related to fetal growth. Higher likelihood of consuming any alcohol during early pregnancy was observed for women who were multiparous, Irish-born, have an unplanned pregnancy, unemployed, on medications for depression or anxiety, current smokers and abusing illicit drugs. They noted that light alcohol consumption during early pregnancy was not correlated with the subsequent mean birth weight, preterm delivery (%), small-for-gestational age (%) and mean neonatal head circumference in the absence of persistent smoking or illicit drug abuse. They recommend advising women who consume alcohol regarding the fetal and maternal risks of heavy consumption and, if applicable, of the need to quit smoking and avoid illicit drugs.
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