Fetal adrenal gland size and the ability to predict spontaneous term labor
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Aug 01, 2019
Gimovsky AC, et al. - Via performing a diagnostic test accuracy study using a prospective cohort design, researchers examined if spontaneous term labor could be predicted via assessing ultrasound measured fetal adrenal gland size. Recruitment of 43 patients was performed; of these, 3 were excluded; 11 (25.6%) presented in spontaneous labor and 29 (67.4%) underwent induction of labor. Amongst measured variables, the best predictor of spontaneous labor was weighted width of fetal adrenal gland with an area under the curve of 0.674. w/W ≥ 0.41 had a sensitivity of 91.0%, specificity of 44.8%, positive predictive value of 38.5% and a negative predictive value of 92.3%. Findings thereby suggest a moderate predictive value of ultrasound measured fetal w/W for spontaneous labor.
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