Fertility preservation, contraception and menopause hormone therapy in women treated for rare ovarian tumours: Guidelines from the French national network dedicated to rare gynaecological cancers
European Journal of Cancer Jul 04, 2019
Rousset-Jablonski C, et al. - In order to define indications and modalities of fertility preservation (FP), infertility management, contraindications for hormonal contraception or menopause hormone therapy in cases with rare ovarian tumors (complex borderline ovarian tumors, sex-cord tumors, germ cell tumors, and rare epithelial tumors), guidelines were built by a panel of experts from the French national network dedicated to rare gynecological cancers, and experts in reproductive medicine and gynaecology. From different specialties, a panel of 35 experts contributed to the preparation of the guidelines, following the DELPHI method (formal consensus method). Regarding indications for FP, contraindications for ovarian stimulation, contraceptive options and menopause hormone therapy for each tumor type, thirty-five recommendations were identified. Consideration should be given for fertility preservation before any treatment. In some situations, hormonal treatments and ovarian stimulation are contraindicated. In the case of potentially hormone-sensitive tumors and in the case of high-risk serous borderline ovarian tumors, practicing caution is recommended.
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