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Fertility intentions of women living with HIV and their male partners during the perinatal period in rural South Africa

International Journal of STD & AIDS Apr 01, 2021

Mandell LN, Rodriguez VJ, Peltzer K, et al. - Researchers herein conducted a clinical trial of a prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) intervention in rural Mpumalanga province, South Africa, with the aim to determine longitudinal fertility intentions among perinatal women living with HIV and their male partners. They performed study assessments and intervention and control sessions prenatally and postpartum. Similar longitudinal predictors of participants’ (n = 360 men, n = 917 women) fertility intentions were identified between genders. At both baseline and 12 months postpartum, they identified younger age and male involvement in perinatal care to be linked with reporting fertility intentions. Incident fertility intentions were described after reporting no plans for further children at baseline in correlation with having an HIV-positive infant and discussing pregnancy plans with a healthcare provider by 12 months postpartum. Overall findings highlight the significant role of healthcare providers to educate men and women on issues surrounding conception, as well as the potential for incorporating PMTCT and safer conception education into HIV clinical services.

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