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Femoral lengthening using the Precice intramedullary limb-lengthening system: Outcome comparison following antegrade and retrograde nails

The Bone & Joint Journal Sep 09, 2019

Calder PR, McKay JE, Timms AJ, et al. - In both adolescent and adult patients, researchers used Precice intramedullary limb-lengthening system to compare outcomes following antegrade and retrograde femoral lengthening. For a consecutive series of 107 femoral lengthening operations in 92 patients, a retrospective review of prospectively gathered information was carried out. A total of 73 antegrade nails and 34 retrograde nails have been inserted. Investigators found that the mean lengthening was 4.65 cm in the antegrade group and 4.64 cm in the retrograde group. Of the 107 lengthenings, 100 had enough datapoints for calculating the mean healing index. Outstanding outcomes were confirmed in femoral lengthening with antegrade and retrograde Precice nails. Following antegrade nails, there is a trend towards better healing and less limitation in hip and knee movement. There are clinical scenarios which require a retrograde nail to be used. However, the use of antegrade nailing was recommend when these are not present.
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