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Femoral derotation osteotomy improves hip and spine function in patients with increased or decreased femoral torsion.

Arthroscopy Aug 25, 2020

Hatem M, Khoury AN, Erickson LR, et al. - In this study, the outcomes of proximal femoral derotation osteotomy (PFDO) on the hip and spine function of patients with abnormal femoral torsion were analyzed. Between July of 2014 and February of 2019, researchers performed a retrospective study including patients who had undergone PFDO to treat increased or decreased femoral torsion. They studied a total of 37 hips (34 patients): 15 hips with elevated femoral torsion and 22 with reduced femoral torsion. Eight patients were male and 26 female. In patients with elevated or decreased femoral torsion and non-arthritic hips, proximal femoral derotation osteotomy improves the hip and spine function.

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