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Feasibility study of a docosahexaenoic acid optimized nutraceutical formulation on the macular levels of lutein in a healthy mediterranean population

Ophthalmic Research Jun 20, 2020

Zanón-Moreno V, Domingo Pedrol J, Sanz-González S, et al. - This research was attempted to assess the effect of supplementation containing lutein and antioxidant vitamins either with or without docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), with the main objective of distinguishing macular pigment optical density changes in both eyes at the end of the follow-up using the Visucam retinography. Researchers randomized a total of 100 healthy participants (200 eyes) aged 40-70 years (mean age 49.3 years, SEM=13.7) in a 1:1 ratio to receive daily one of the following supplements for 3 months: Lutein group (LT-G, n=49), Lutein /Docosahexaenoic acid group (LT/DHA-G, n= 51). The data showed that lutein supplementation improves macular pigment optical density in healthy subjects from a Mediterranean population being significantly elevated in the presence of DHA. Thus, the outcomes indicate the relevance of the adjunctive role of DHA for a better Lutein availability.

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