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Feasibility of online haemodiafiltration in sleep apnoea: A randomized crossover study

Blood Purification Jan 31, 2020

Chu G, Suthers B, Paech GM, et al. - Whether online haemodiafiltration ­(OL-HDF) is feasible in sleep apnoea management was investigated in this study. Researchers performed screening in eligible dialysis patients for the risk of sleep apnoea via nocturnal oximetry. They also performed a diagnostic sleep study to evaluate apnoea-hypopnea index (AHI). To conduct a randomized crossover trial, they sent an invite to patients with AHI ≥ 15/h. The intervention included a 2-month high-flux haemodialysis (HF-HD) followed by 2-month OL-HDF or vice versa with 1-month washout via HF-HD. The primary outcome was the severity of sleep apnoea (AHI). The evaluation of feasibility was done by patient recruitment and the primary outcome. Findings revealed no statistically different AHI between OL-HDF vs HF-HD; however, less obstructive episodes following treatment with OL-HDF were reported in patients when sleep apnoea was stratified into obstructive and central apnoea. Patient recruitment was acknowledged as a major challenge. Experts concluded that obstructive sleep apnoea may be reduced by OL-HDF.
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