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Feasibility and safety of intraoperative optical coherence tomography-guided short-term posturing prescription after macular hole surgery

Ophthalmic Research Aug 28, 2019

Lorusso M, Micelli Ferrari L, Cicinelli MV, et al. - In this retrospective clinical study involving 29 eyes of 29 patients, researchers evaluated closure rate and visual outcome of a court of patients with macular hole (MH) who had surgical repair with intraoperative optical coherence tomography (iOCT)-confirmed MH closure and short-term postoperative face-down posturing (FDP), as well as explored the association between iOCT and postoperative OCT at day 1. This investigation was conducted in the Miulli Hospital Acquaviva delle Fonti (Italy). Study participants included patients with idiopathic MH who had 25-G pars plana vitrectomy plus internal limiting membrane peeling. During early follow-up (1–3 days), MH was confirmed to be closed in 100% of patients intraoperatively (iOCT) and at OCT. According to findings, iOCT-based MH closure confirmation could be a safe and useful tool to prescribe short-term FDP after surgery, with a high closure rate and no additional complication. It could potentially be unnecessary to execute an OCT in the immediate postoperative days.
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