Fatigue is associated with high prevalence and severity of physical and emotional symptoms in patients on chronic hemodialysis
International Urology and Nephrology May 13, 2018
Bossola M, et al. - Researchers intended to determine possible variations in the prevalence and severity of symptoms between fatigued and not fatigued patients on chronic hemodialysis. This study included all prevalent cases referring to the Hemodialysis Service between January 2016 and June 2017. The Italian version of the vitality scale of the SF-36 (SF-36VS) was used to assess fatigue in patients. Relative to non-fatigued patients, fatigued hemodialysis patients experienced physical and emotional symptoms more frequently, which included dry skin, itching, muscle soreness, bone or joint pain, restless legs, shortness of breath, feeling sad, feeling anxious, difficulty concentrating, and difficulty becoming sex aroused. There is a need to accurately and routinely define the symptom burden of chronic hemodialysis patients.
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