Fatigue failure load of two resin-bonded zirconia-reinforced lithium silicate glass-ceramics: Effect of ceramic thickness
Dental Materials Apr 04, 2018
Monteiro JB, et al. - The impact of ceramic thickness on the fatigue failure load of two zirconia-reinforced lithium silicate (ZLS) glass-ceramics, adhesively cemented to a dentin analogue material was assessed. The fatigue failure load of the bonded system (i.e. the thicker the glass-ceramic is, the higher the fatigue failure load will be) was influenced by different ZLS glass-ceramic thicknesses. The fatigue behavior could be affected by different microstructures of the ZLS glass-ceramics. According to the Finite Element Analysis (FEA), the thicker the glass-ceramic is, the lower the stress concentration at the tensile surface will be.
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