Fate of the uninsured ankle fracture: Significant delays in treatment result in an increased risk of surgical site infection
Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma Feb 24, 2021
Zelle BA, Johnson TR, Ryan JC, et al. - A retrospective chart review was performed to explore the impact of insurance status on access to orthopedic care and incidence of surgical site complications in patients with closed unstable ankle fractures. Between 2014 and 2016, researchers included 489 patients with closed unstable ankle fractures undergoing open reduction and internal fixation. They included a sum of 489 patients (70.5% uninsured vs. 29.5% insured). The results of this study indicate that uninsured patients with ankle fractures requiring surgery experience significant barriers regarding access to health care. The findings demonstrate that delay of surgical management significantly elevates the risk of surgical site infections in closed unstable ankle fractures.
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