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Fat distribution may predict intra- or extra-capsular hip fracture in geriatric patients after falling

Injury Dec 26, 2019

Cheng SH, Kuo YJ, Lin JCF, et al. - Researchers sought to determine differences between fat and muscle distributions between patients with intra- and extra-capsular hip fractures via analyzing the body compositions of geriatric patients with hip fractures. They assessed 139 patients with a hip fracture from December 2017 to February 2019; of these, 86 patients were diagnosed with intra-capsular and 53 patients were diagnosed with extra-capsular hip fractures. After controlling all confounding factors, only the T-score at the proximal femur, percentage fat content in the region of bilateral proximal hips and the ratio of android fat content to gynoid fat content (A/G ratio) are the most consistent factors in prophesying the patterns of hip fracture in geriatric patients after falling. Geriatric patients with lower fat content in the region of bilateral proximal hips and a lower BMD on the proximal femur were identified to exhibit more vulnerability to extra-capsular rather than intra-capsular hip fracture after a falling accident.
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