Fast food intake and excess weight gain over a 1-year period among preschool-age children
Pediatric Obesity Feb 07, 2020
Emond JA, Longacre MR, Titus LJ, et al. - Among preschool-age children, researchers ascertained if fast food intake independently contributes to the development of overweight and obesity. The sample consisted of 541 children (3- to 5-year-old) followed for 1 year. In the past week, parents recorded the fast-food consumption frequency of their child from 11 chain fast-food restaurants in six online follow-up surveys, conducted around 8 weeks apart. Data reported that 18.1% of children had overweight and 9.8% had obesity at baseline. Over the 1-year period, 8.1% of children transitioned to greater weight status. Among consumers, the mean fast food intake frequency was 2.1 times per week. In this preschool-age cohort, greater fast food consumption over 1 year was correlated with increasing weight status during that period.
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