Fast and furious: A retrospective study of catheter-associated bloodstream infections with internal jugular nontunneled hemodialysis catheters at a tropical center
Clinical Kidney Journal Feb 12, 2019
Agrawal V, et al. - Via this retrospective cohort study, researchers sought to study the incidence, risk factors and microbiological spectrum of jugular nontunneled hemodialysis catheters (NTHCs)-associated bloodstream infections (CABSIs) at a tertiary care center in South Asia. During the study period, a total of 897 patients underwent NTHC insertion; of these 169 patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria and contributed 7079 patient days of follow-up. The findings suggest that NTHC-associated CABSIs occur early in South Asia, and are predominantly Gram-negative. In multivariate Cox regression analysis, CABSI was noted in independent correlation with immunosuppressive medication and intravenous cefazolin use.
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