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Family perceptions of quality of end-of-life care for veterans with advanced CKD

Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Sep 13, 2019

Richards CA, Liu CF, Hebert PL, et al. - Including 9,993 veterans with advanced CKD who died in Department of Veterans Affairs facilities between 2009 and 2015, researchers undertook this retrospective observational study to assess links between patterns of end-of-life care and receipt of dialysis (no dialysis, acute dialysis, maintenance dialysis) with family-reported quality of end-of-life care, using logistic regression, in patients with advanced CKD. Spending ≥ 2 weeks in the hospital in the last 90 days of life was reported for 52% of cohort members, and an intensive procedure was received by 34%, and admission to ICU was reported in 47%, in the last 30 days, death of 31% in the ICU, receipt of a palliative care consultation by 38% in the last 90 days, and receipt of hospice services at the time of death in 38% was reported. Non-receipt of dialysis was reported in most (55%) cases, while acute dialysis and maintenance dialysis was received by 12% and 34%, respectively. Irrespective of the receipt of dialysis, lower family ratings of end-of-life care were reported in correlation with care focused on life extension rather than comfort, among patients with advanced CKD.
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