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Family-focused cognitive behavioral treatment for depressed adolescents in suicidal crisis with co-occurring risk factors: A randomized trial

Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry Jul 26, 2019

Esposito-Smythers C, et al. - In a randomized phase 2 efficacy trial, researchers examined whether a family-focused outpatient cognitive-behavioral treatment (F-CBT) protocol may benefit depressed adolescents after psychiatric hospitalization for a suicide attempt or suicidal ideation, and who had a concomitant risk factor (suicidal behavior prior to the index admission, nonsuicidal self-injury, and/or a substance use disorder). They enrolled 147 adolescents (mean age = 14.91 years; 76.2% female, 85.5% white) and their families and randomized them to F-CBT or enhanced treatment-as-usual (E-TAU). Reductions in suicidality, depression, and nonsuicidal self-injury were achieved with F-CBT, however, E-TAU also resulted equal results. When using F-CBT with this population, there may be a requirement for greater frequency of F-CBT treatment sessions, principally at the beginning of care, and different tactics to transition care at 12 months.

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