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Familial aggregation and heritability of aldosteronism with cardiovascular events

Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Apr 14, 2020

Wu VC, Chueh JS, Hsieh MY, et al. - Using the Taiwan National Health Insurance Database, researchers measured the prevalence, the extent of familial aggregation, the heritability of primary aldosteronism (PA) among family members of patients with PA, and the correlation between positive PA family history and major cardiovascular events (MACE). For this analysis, 30,245,077 National Health Insurance beneficiaries (both alive and those deceased between January 1, 1999, and December 31, 2015) have been identified. Seven thousand nine hundred two PA patients were identified. According to results, PA patients with an affected first-degree relative were linked to an increased risk for composite major cardiovascular events vs PA patients without family history. Familial clustering of PA occurs within a population-based study that supports a genetic susceptibility that contributes to PA. In first-degree relatives of PA patients, there is increased coaggregation of MACE. The results indicate a strong genetic component in PA susceptibility which involves various kinships.

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