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Fall-related mandible fractures in a Japanese population: A retrospective study

Dental Traumatology May 02, 2019

Nogami S, et al. - In this retrospective study, researchers examined the characteristics and management of mandibular fractures caused by falls. Participants in the study were 139 patients with 185 mandible fractures caused by falls. With the exception of intracapsular condyle fractures, most adult and fit patients were treated with open reduction and internal fixation. Conservative management was selected for paediatric patients and in all cases considered at high risk for lengthy procedures under general anaesthesia. Young patients were mostly males, while geriatric patients were predominantly females. Condylar fractures were the most prevalent in cases of single-site fracture. The association of condyle and symphysis fractures was the most common in cases with multiple sites. The outcomes exhibit an increasing trend, particularly in females, in geriatric condyle fractures. Seasonal, historical, cultural and demographic factors influence the epidemiology of fall-related mandibular fractures.
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