Factors related to suboptimal recovery of renal function after living donor nephrectomy: A retrospective study
BMC Nephrology Nov 15, 2019
Nishida S, Hidaka Y, Toyoda M, et al. - In order to define the factors associated with suboptimal recovery of renal function following living donor nephrectomy, researchers undertook this inquiry and examined 103 living renal transplantations in their institution. These were grouped as compensatory hypertrophy group [optimal group, 1-year estimated-glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) ≥ 60% of predonation, n = 63] and suboptimal compensatory hypertrophy group (suboptimal group, 1-year eGFR < 60% of predonation, n = 40). The factors linked with suboptimal compensatory hypertrophy were retrospectively examined. The two groups had the same baseline eGFRs. The suboptimal group exhibited significantly higher donor age and uric acid and had a much higher rate of pathological chronicity finding on 1-h biopsy. Overall, insufficient recovery of the post-donated renal function was observed in relation to chronicity findings on baseline biopsy and higher uric acid.
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