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Factors related to retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in bipolar disorder patients and major depression patients

BMC Psychiatry Jun 14, 2021

Liu Y, Tong Y, Huang L, et al. - Researchers conducted this cross-sectional study to investigate factors that influence retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness in patients with bipolar disorder and major depression, with the goal of developing a new diagnostic strategy. The study included 82 bipolar disorder patients, 35 major depression patients, and 274 people who were age and gender-matched to the patients. The RNFL and macula lutea are thinner in bipolar dipolar patients and major depression patients than in normal people. Age of onset and alanine aminotransferase are potential protective factors in the progression of RNFL thinning in bipolar disorder patients, whereas uric acid is the pathological factor.

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