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Factors predicting vancomycin therapy outcomes in hemodialysis outpatients and the role of the nephrology stewardship pharmacist

Hemodialysis International Aug 04, 2019

El Nekidy WS, et al. - In this retrospective chart review, researchers assessed the treatment outcomes in hemodialysis (HD) outpatients who were administered vancomycin for suspected or documented methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections at a community hospital in southwestern Ontario, Canada. By current guidelines, a vancomycin trough range of 15 to 20 mg/L is recommended for serious infections. In order to determine the independent predictors of the treatment outcomes, stepwise binary logistic regression analysis was performed. They found that treatment outcomes were not predicted by the recommended vancomycin pre-HD concentration in the guidelines. The only independent predictor of vancomycin success was the type of infection, as per adjusted logistic regression findings. The likelihood of achieving clinical cure was more in patients with bacteremia and/or skin or soft tissue infections vs those with diabetic foot/osteomyelitis infections.
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