Factors influencing performances and indicating risk of falls using the true timed up and go test time of patients with hip fracture upon acute hospital discharge
Physiotherapy Research International May 08, 2020
Kristensen MT, et al. - The present study was performed to assess the influence and risk of falls of individual factors on timed up and go test (TUG) times applying standardized instructions in patients with hip fracture upon discharge from an acute orthopaedic hip fracture unit. Researchers conducted TUG three times with a rollator (standardized aid), as fast as safely possible. Up to a 1‐min rest was given after the first and second TUG trial. They applied multivariable linear regression analysis to evaluate the factors influencing TUG‐times and corresponding logistic analysis was applied to examine factors indicating risk of falls, applying a cut‐off of 24 s for TUG. The study population consisted of 181 patients (122 women), 60 years or older, with a mean age of 78.1 (9.1) years. They distinguished age, pre‐fracture function, fracture type and post‐surgery day of TUG testing as strong factors influencing TUG performances and TUG‐times indicating risk of falls in patients with hip fracture. The data imply that these factors be recognized when interpreting TUG test results and in further rehabilitation and fall prevention efforts.
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