Factors influencing outcomes of endoprosthetic reconstruction of the distal end of the humerus
Current Orthopaedic Practice Mar 04, 2019
Chebli CM, et al. - Via performing a retrospective chart review of their database from 1/1/2001-12/31/2016, researchers sought to report the outcomes of distal humeral reconstructions with a modular endoprosthesis. Among the 20 identified patients who received a distal humeral endoprosthesis, they evaluated the time to failure, type of failure, and final range of motion. This is one of the larger series that defined distal humeral replacements. The patients had a median age of 69.9 yr with equal numbers of males and females. Outcomes suggest that stable constructs were achieved with distal humeral endoprostheses in limb-preserving surgeries. Compared to standard total elbows, the complication profile is higher. Primary and revision surgeries displayed no difference in failures or time to failure.
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