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Factors impacting transition readiness in young adults with neuropathic bladder

Journal of Pediatric Urology Nov 07, 2019

Roth JD, et al. - Using the validated Transition Readiness Assessment Questionnaire (TRAQ), consecutive individuals more ⩾ years old in the adult spina bifida (SB, n = 96) clinic were assessed in order to recognize what patient factors influence transition readiness in this population. Overall median TRAQ score was 4.0/5.0, designating that individuals were starting to transition. On univariate analysis, across every domain and overall, age > 25 was related to greater TRAQ scores. For "Appointment Keeping," "Tracking Health Issues" and overall, female gender was also correlated with higher TRAQ scores. Race, ambulatory status, shunt status, number of shunt revisions, number of medications and former bladder augmentation were not related to TRAQ scores. Following adjusting for gender on bivariate analysis, for "Appointment Keeping," "Tracking Health Issues," "Talking with Providers," and "Managing Daily Activities" domains and overall, age > 25 was related to higher TRAQ scores, however, not the "Managing Medications" domain. The female gender was not independently related to a greater domain or overall TRAQ scores. Therefore, transitioning adults with SB had TRAQ scores designating that in terms of their healthcare-related behavior, they were not yet fully transitioned. Elderly age was the only factor related to transition readiness, which was not affected by other demographics. Heightened attention to transition readiness and acknowledgment of a longer transition process in this population is needed.
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