Factors impacting outcomes and the time to recovery from malignant glaucoma
American Journal of Ophthalmology Aug 07, 2019
Thompson AC, et al. - In this retrospective case series, researchers identified factors correlated with the successful management of malignant glaucoma (MG). For this analysis, 64 eyes (55 patients) with MG were included. Data reported that 87.5% (N = 56/64) of eyes with MG needed surgical intervention. In eyes with a history of < 3 incisional surgeries, < 3 glaucoma drops, or intraocular pressure (IOP) ≤ 30 mmHg, vitrectomy was more likely to be successful. Recovery of anatomy, best visual acuity (BVA), and IOP occurred sooner if vitrectomy was performed within 30 days. Investigators found that earlier vitrectomy may reduce MG recovery times. Nd: YAG laser hyaloidotomy and oral CAIs may result in an increased decrease in IOP. The time for maximum IOP and BVA improvement may be longer than the time for anatomic resolution. While trabeculectomy may impede MG's retrieval time, oral CAIs may shorten anatomical retrieval time, and IOP recovery may be accelerated by AC reformation.
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