Factors associated with the cost of care for the most common atraumatic painful upper extremity conditions
The Journal of Hand Surgery Feb 22, 2019
Crijns TJ, et al. - Researchers used the Truven Health MarketScan database to determine the factors related to the cost of care and resources utilization for painful, nontraumatic conditions of the upper extremity, including shoulder pain and rotator cuff tendinopathy, shoulder stiffness, shoulder arthritis, lateral epicondylitis, hand arthritis, trigger finger, wrist pain, and hand pain. They used multivariable generalized linear regression models. They also evaluated the use of joint injection, surgery, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and physical or occupational therapy. To the total amount paid for most diagnoses, inpatient and outpatient surgery contributed the most. More injections were administered to older patients for the majority of conditions. The costs of surgery (eg, office surgery and limited draping for minor hand surgery) could be attenuated by comparing the benefits offered by surgery to other treatments and interventions, and this could be the target of interventions to improve the value of care for nontraumatic upper extremity pain.
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