Factors associated with long-acting reversible contraception use among women veterans in the ECUUN study
Contraception Jun 03, 2019
Koenig AF, et al. - Data from a national telephone-based survey of 2302 women ages 18–44 receiving primary care in VA were amnalyzed to assess patient-, provider-, and system-level factors that could be related to LARC use among women Veterans and with receipt of LARC methods within the VA system. Among 987 women Veterans at risk of unintended pregnancy, LARC use was reported in 294 (30%), 65% of whom had received their method within VA. Women who were multiparous vs nulliparous and did not desire future pregnancies reported higher LARC use. Although no association of overall LARC uptake with any provider or facility level factors was evident, receipt of these methods within VA was correlated with receiving both general and gender-specific health care by a single provider and with receiving care within a women's health clinic.
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