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Factors associated with early in vitro fertilization treatment discontinuation

Fertility and Sterility May 02, 2019

Bedrick BS, et al. - Researchers performed a retrospective cohort study of 669 first-attempt IVF patients who did not have a live birth in order to assess the factors correlated with early IVF treatment discontinuation. Outcomes revealed that IVF treatment discontinuation and time to return are correlated to IVF insurance coverage, race, age, and future treatment prognosis. Treatment discontinuation was more frequent among women without IVF insurance coverage. Compared to non-Hispanic white women, African-American women were more likely to discontinue treatment and returned for treatment more slowly, regardless of IVF insurance coverage or income. Treatment discontinuation is more likely in women with a poor prognosis than women with a good prognosis. they noted a shorter time to return for a second IVF cycle among older women with IVF insurance coverage or a good prognosis than older women without IVF insurance coverage or with a poor prognosis.
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