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Factors associated with commencing and ceasing opioid therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism Jul 10, 2019

Black RJ, et al. - Three thousand two hundred and twenty-five adult rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients were involved in the Australian Rheumatology Association Database between 2001–2015 by the researchers in order to discover factors correlated with opioid use in RA patients. After five years of follow-up, the population-averaged prevalence of any opioid use was 33% with a total of 9% for great potency opioid use, and 62% of cases with recorded opioid ever-use. Opioid use was observed raised in females and it was seen reducing with older baseline age. It was also correlated with higher self-reported pain and HAQ scores, and NSAID, oral glucocorticoid, csDMARD, and bDMARD treatment, within-subjects. Significant determinants of variation in opioid use (younger baseline age, higher pain scores, HAQ scores, and oral GC) were related to both a greater probability of commencing opioid use and a lower probability of cessation. NSAID and DMARD treatments were affiliated with both a lower chance of initiating opioids and a lower probability of cessation, paradoxically. Hence, among RA patients, a high prevalence of opioid use which was correlated with pain, function and GC treatment was ascertained. However, not all patients, NSAIDs, and DMARD treatments were found obviating the requirement for opioids in some.
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