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Factors affecting mortality of refractory status epilepticus

Acta Neurologica Scandinavica Feb 03, 2020

Tatlidil I, et al. - In this retrospective study, researchers discovered the factors influencing the mortality of refractory status epilepticus (RSE), a clinical condition that is unresponsive to first- and second-line status epilepticus therapy, in comparison with non-refractory status epilepticus (non-RSE). One hundred nine status epilepticus cases (52 were RSE and 57 were non-RSE) were involved who were hospitalized in the neurological intensive care unit Katip Celebi University. For statistical analysis, factors that may cause mortality have been categorized. There has been no important connection between mortality and refractoriness. Results of this study suggested intubation, hypotension, and a low Glasgow Coma Score at presentation could be the main factors that might alert clinicians to increased mortality risk in patients with SE. While non-RSE and RSE had similar mortality rates in the ICU, SE's mortality-related factors differ in the RSE and non-RSE subgroups.
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