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Factors affecting blood loss and blood transfusion in patients with proximal humeral fractures

Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Apr 18, 2019

Malcherczyk D, et al. - Researchers estimated 420 individuals to investigate the amount of blood loss and the rate of blood transfusion in subjects receiving surgery for proximal humeral fractures depending on the treatment and type of fracture. For all proximal humeral fractures, the transfusion rate was 14.5% and the average blood loss was 284 mL. They found an association of shoulder arthroplasty with higher blood loss (353 mL) and a higher blood transfusion rate (27.3%) when compared to plate fixation (263 mL and 10.9%, respectively). Male gender, body mass index, surgery time, time until surgery and vitamin K antagonists were the significant risk factors for blood loss. Relation of age, blood loss, American Society of Anesthesiologists score more than 2, vitamin K antagonists, coronary artery disease (CAD), peripheral artery disease (PAD), and renal disease was reported with a higher transfusion rate.
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