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Extravillous trophoblast invasion in placenta accreta is associated with differential local expression of angiogenic and growth factors: A cross-sectional study

BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Apr 19, 2018

Duzyj CM, et al. - Researchers investigated the biochemical contribution of maternal scarring to hyperinvasive trophoblast in placenta accreta. They hypothesized that in placenta accreta, trophoblast over-invasion is associated with aberrant invasion-site signalling of growth and angiogenic factors known to be involved in wound healing and promotion of cell invasion through the epithelial to mesenchymal cellular programme. In this study, alteration in angiogenic and growth factors at the placental invasion site was noted in accreta, both by decidual absence and within myometrial scar. They postulate this promotes the invasive phenotype of placenta accreta by activating hyperinvasive trophoblast and by dysregulating placental vascular remodelling.
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