Extraocular and intraocular infections following strabismus surgery: A review
Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus Jul 26, 2019
Ing MR, et al. - In this investigation, researchers examined extraocular and intraocular infections following strabismus surgery. Using the PubMed and Google Scholar search engines, an extensive literature review of different types of infections following strabism surgery was facilitated. For the review, the phrases "infection following strabismus surgery," "infection strabismus surgery," "complications of strabismus surgery," "endophthalmitis strabismus surgery," and "strabismus scleral perforation" were used in both search engines. Although there is no known way to avoid all infections after strabism surgery, it may be prudent for the strabism surgeon to embrace several methods to reduce the bacterial load and minimize the danger of infection. In order to prevent scleral perforation during surgery, the surgeon should be advised to consider preoperative use of povidone-iodine on the operating field.
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