External fixation as a definitive treatment for humeral shaft fractures: Radiographic and functional results with analysis of outcome predictors
Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma Jun 28, 2019
Costa GG, et al. - Through a retrospective study of 107 patients who underwent external fixation for 109 humeral shaft fractures, the researchers intended to assess the results obtained using unilateral external fixation as a definitive treatment for such fractures and to ascertain possible predictors of radiographic and functional outcomes. Delayed or no union was noticed in 2 and 1 patients respectively. The mean Constant score was 85.6, Mayo Elbow Performance Index was 97.4, and disabilities of the arm, shoulder and hand questionnaire score was 7.4 at the latest follow-up. Patients who were involved in sports activities before fracture continued with a sports activity. The direct relation of obesity to delayed healing of fracture was noted with comorbidity as the most significant determinant of the functional outcomes at follow-up. Hence, in patients with humeral shaft fracture, the use of unilateral external fixation was concluded as an efficient therapeutic option. Furthermore, as evaluated by the Cumulative Illness Rating Scale score, comorbidity was the most relevant determinant of functional outcomes.
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