Expression profile of markers of oxidative stress, injury and apoptosis in anti-tuberculosis drugs induced nephrotoxicity
Nephrology Apr 20, 2019
Sharma R, et al. - In this study performed on experimental models, researchers focused on the possible mechanism underlying RIF (rifampicin) + INH (isoniazid) + PZA (pyrazinamide) induced nephrotoxicity. Two groups of rats were defined as Control (tap water, n=6) and Toxicant (INH + RIF + PZA; n=6) in dosage derived through extrapolation from human dosage for 28 days once in a day. Findings revealed an increase in number of free radicals/ reactive oxygen species due to combined (INH, RIF and PZA) 28 day exposure in Wistar rats. This further induced alterations in levels of enzymatic antioxidants such as glutathione, Superoxide dismutase, Catalase, and Glutathione-s-transferase. The involvement of apoptosis was stressed by altered content of pro (BAD&BAX) and anti-apoptotic genes (BCL-2&BCL2L1) genes, TUNEL positive cells and DNA fragmentation. Overall, they concluded that nephrotoxicity occurs during combinational anti-tuberculosis drug therapy.
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