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Expression of integrin β6 and HAX-1 correlates with aggressive features and poor prognosis in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma

Cancer Management and Research Oct 07, 2020

Li F, Shang Y, Shi F, et al. - Since the expression as well as the clinical significance of integrin β 6 in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is not known, therefore, researchers examined the differential expression of integrin β 6 in ESCC. For this purpose, they performed qPCR and immunohistochemistry assays in 10 paired human samples. To assess the expression levels of integrin β 6 as well as its endocytic trafficking regulator HS1-associated protein X-1 (HAX-1), further enrollment of 137 ESCC samples was done. ESCC vs matched adjacent normal tissues showed markedly increased expression of integrin β 6. Experts noted that 47.4% tumors exhibited a high expression of HAX-1, and a positive link was identified between the expression levels of integrin β 6 and HAX-1. Overall, integrin β 6 and HAX-1 displayed predictive worth as independent indicators of poor prognosis in ESCC, and both were suggested to be the likely contributors to tumor proliferation and metastasis, resulting in ESCC progression. Thus, a potential novel treatment approach for ESCC may be integrated targeting of integrin β 6 and HAX-1.

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