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Expression and clinical value of gastrin-releasing peptide precursor in nephropathy and chronic kidney disease

Nephrology Aug 21, 2019

Dai Z, Zhu J, Huang H, et al. - Researchers investigated if nephropathy patients have elevated serum proGRP as well as assessed the diagnostic value of proGRP in CKD patients. In Zhongshan Hospital, Medical College of Xiamen University, they identified 498 nephropathy patients and 170 healthy. Using group comparison, correlation analysis and receiver operating characteristic curve, they analyzed clinical data of the various groups such as serum proGRP, CKD grading, and other serum and urine renal function biomarkers. They found a substantial correlation of serum proGRP with serum creatinine and cystain C. Findings revealed elevated serum proGRP in acute renal injury and CKD patients. With CKD grading, increases in serum proGRP were reported. GFR mainly influenced serum proGRP. CKD staging could be done using serum proGRP, although its overall diagnostic sufficiency was found to be inferior to simplified MDRD formula.
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